Chimichurri Recipe


(Vegan  Gluten-free, Dairy-Free)

Ready in 10 minutes 

Calories 20 per spoon


1 Large Bunch Parsley Chopped

2 Small Garlic Clove mince

1 C Vegetable Oil

1 Teaspoon Red wine Vinegar 

1  Each lemon Juice 

2 Tablespoon Chopped green Onion.

1teaspoon Kosher salt 

¼ Teaspoon Black Pepper

Chile flakes ( Optional ) up to taste.


Combine all ingredients, mix well in a bowl also you can use a food processor or immersion blender, combine all ingredients, save in a mason Jar, and refrigerated.

Health Benefits

There are many more benefits to parsley, besides being an antioxidant booster. Traditionally parsley has been used as a diuretic, to cleanse the kidneys and bladder, and to reduce high blood pressure. Historically, parsley has also been used to treat heart disease, type two diabetes, constipation, and ulcers.

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